It is so important to honor the body – this beautiful vessel that you each have been gifted with. Without the body, the spirit would not have the wondrous opportunity to experience form and individuality. Spirit is formlessness and its state is that of oneness and unity with Source.
This Earthly “playground” – and it is a “play” ground – allows each soul to experience lessons unique to the actualization of that soul. Just as a snowflake is unique and wondrous in its make-up, so too is the individual human expression.
The body should be honored as the magnificent gift and machine it is. When the body is honored and cared for with love and devotion, it will respond with love and devotion in return. This bodily love is an extension of Source love. All of creation is an extension of Source love, so indeed, all of life should be treated and honored as such. See the body as a living, breathing entity whose soul purpose is the soul. The body’s commitment to the soul, though steadfast and unwavering, can be significantly impacted by the thoughts and actions fueled by the mind. The power of the mind to impact the body’s performance is great and can result in fully supporting it or depleting it.
Every body – every shape, color, size – has been given to a soul in accordance with the lessons and experiences that soul has chosen. The body is not a fixed structure, however, and though the soul may have chosen to be housed in a specific body make-up with specific characteristics, this changes as the mental and physical input changes.
In other words, if a soul chooses for example, to be housed in a body that is powerful and exceptional, this can change and will change when the body is admonished or ignored.
There are circumstances and life events that the soul has pre-planned for the body to experience, such as hardships or disease, for the purpose of spiritual grown. Often it is through hardship with the physical body, that the soul is given the opportunity for tremendous learning and growth. During these instances and challenging bodily experiences, the individual can step more easily into the realm of the spiritual body assessing its strength and wisdom to help the individual to persevere and overcome.
There is more to be said about the spiritual and bodily connections and the mind’s role in this integration. We will revisit another day.
For now, you do well when you honor your body with loving practices throughout your daily routine. Continue to thank and speak words of gratitude for your body and see it as a loyal companion whose love will never leave you.